About Faith+Finance

A new gathering with a bias for action

faith+finance logo

We're reimagining God's economy.

Faith+Finance is bringing together pastors and impact investors, theologians and social entrepreneurs, and other faith and business leaders to respond with courage and imagination to the most urgent and demanding economic, social, environmental, and spiritual challenges of our day.

The purpose of Faith+Finance is not just to start a new conversation but to launch new collaborations and platforms for impact. We want to have a lasting influence on people of faith and their relationship to money and resources.


Connected themes:

  • Economic Theologies – What is the role of capital if we reimagine God’s economy? How should Christians and other people of faith understand and combat growing social and economic inequality?
  • Assets in Transition – How can churches faithfully leverage their buildings, real estate, and other assets amid shrinking congregations and shifting generational giving habits?
  • Entrepreneurship – How can gospel values better guide the planning and growth of sustainable businesses? How can we accelerate access to capital in marginalized communities? How can faith communities understand themselves as economic partners in their neighborhoods?
  • Impact Investing – How can Christian traditions better shape our understanding of the moral and ethical dimensions of investing? How do we invest in a way that helps usher in the Kingdom of God right now?
Economic theologies image

A 'big-tent' ethos

Because the forces of division in our society are so strong, our aim is to design this event across theological and political divides. Our community includes Christians from Presbyterians to Progressive to Pentecostal. We are also inviting Indigenous, Jewish, and Muslim partners to participate. These problems are too difficult for siloed faith communities to tackle on their own. We are committed to working together right now.

BIg tent
Image credit: Vassilis via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0
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New to the conversation?

For many of us, this is an unfamiliar way of thinking about money and about how we live our religious commitments. In the time leading up to and following the event, we will be offering 101-level education in the form of webinars, blog posts, podcasts, and curated resources for understanding both the theology and the finance. Join our mailing list to stay in the loop, and check out the sample conversations below.

Online Community

Membership in The Faith+Finance Online Community is included with the event. Member perks include free and discounted online event registrations and access to our “Smarter, Faster” reading lists. 

Download the App

Our Online Community is powered by Mighty Networks. You can always access the group via desktop browser at community.faithfinance.net, but we recommend downloading the Mighty Networks app. The app is available on Android and iOS and is the best way to stay current with our conversations.

Behind the scenes

Event Producers

Faith+Finance is produced by GatherLab LLC, whose founders also created Social Capital Markets (SOCAP), the world’s largest and most global social enterprise and impact investing conference. Principals Rosa Lee Harden, Kevin Jones, and Tim Freundlich are committed to producing events that show how money can change the world for good.